Beauty is what you think about, naturally, on the outside and from within. Our skin is a major part of the human body. In today's lifestyle, we use many chemical beauty products on our face which harm our skin. Natural Herbs (Ayurveda) are the best and most effective way when it comes to skin care. (AYU) means life and (VED) means knowledge, in which remedies range exists from minor ailments to serious ailments. These Ayurvedic herbs rarely have any side effects and are completely natural.
Excessive use of chemical products damages the skin and can cause long-term problems. Ayurvedic natural herbs reach to the root of the problem by taking care and treating the skin.
Ayurvedic Treatments and therapies focus on health & wellness and make balance among the mind, body and spirit. There are some therapies in Ayurveda which are used for the protection of the skin like Pizhichil and Mukhlepan.
PIZHICHIL- It is a detoxifying therapy. The therapy also remove dead cells and toxin from your skin and rejuvenates.
MUKHLEPAN- Mukhlepan is a kind of therapy and skin care treatment. It is an ayurvedic facial treatment made from pure herbs and medicinal plants which helps to free from blackheads and wrinkles.